Release – Job Requests – May 10, 2024

Preview Release: Job Request enhancements is now part of Preview.


  • Recruiters can now choose hybrid for workplace
  • Admins can add multiple locations in Preferences and then reference them in Job Requests.
  • Fixed the Issue with reordering interview questions (randomly doesn’t reorder them) – on deck
  • Fixed an issue where reordered questions do not have proper mapping during assessments – related to the question reorder bug.

Known Issues

  1. On Yahoo and want an invite? It ain’t happening until we move from our current SMTP carrier

Current Work Plan to get to Preview V1.0

The following releases are planned to address missing features and complete our Preview build.

  1. A few bug fixes for Release 1
  2. Upgrade system messaging to allow us to choose platform (dev, test or production)
  3. Update to Job Requests to allow for hybrid locations and saving company locations
  4. Candidate Offers
  5. More System Communication enhancements
  6. Company Job Board
  7. User and Access Management Enhancements

For more information

  • For detailed instructions on using the new features, please refer to our Help Center
  • If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team